998 Y4 Bag of 10 Nickel Plated Brass Key Blanks

998 Y4 Bag of 10 Nickel Plated Brass Key Blanks

Regular price $6.50 $6.00 Sale

998 Key Blanks. Same as ILCO EZ number Y4. Master Section for some Yale locks.  Nickel plated brass. 6 Pin.  Master Section fits sections 998GA, 998GB, 998GC, 998GD, 998GE, 998GF, 998GG, 998GH, 998GK. 

Same as:
Axxess 129
Cole Y4
Curtis Y-4
Dominion 8
Ilco 998
Ilco EZ Y4
Jet Y4
Original EN11GMK
Orion YAL14
Silca YA2
Star 6YA3
Taylor 12GM