15996YA-26D-0B ILCO Key in Knob Cylinder with Yale 8 (Y1/999) Keyway 0-bitted Satin Chrome Finish

15996YA-26D-0B ILCO Key in Knob Cylinder with Yale 8 (Y1/999) Keyway 0-bitted Satin Chrome Finish

Regular price $14.50 $13.50 Sale

16 left in stock

This is a Schlage Style Cylinder with a Yale Y1/999 keyway designed to fit most key-in-knob and key-in-lever cylinders and some deadbolts.  The lock is 0-bitted 6 pin cylinder with all Number 0 bottom pins and 2 uncut Yale Look-Alike keys and six tailpieces. Easily repin the lock and duplicate the keys to match to an existing cut key.  NOTE: This is not a Yale cylinder.  Uses 999A/Y2 6 pin key. Satin Chrome finish.