LAB .003" Universal Starter Pinning Kit LSK003
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This is a great all-in-one kit for new locksmiths, landlords, realtors, hardware stores, lumberyards, or anyone who needs a compact kit that contains everything they need to pin the most common locks out there like Kwikset, Schlage, Weiser, and more. The LAB Starter Kit carrying case is made of durable polyethylene material and has foam cut-outs so all of your items fit snugly. The inside metal Pinning Case is LAB's Mini .003 Pinning Kit. It measures 8.5" x 6" x 1". It has 81 Pin Sizes, Top Springs, and Color Coded Pinning Charts on the inside lid. The Pinning Kit can be opened while inside of the larger case which provides a nice flat work area. Also includes some basic pinning tools: a plug follower, a key gauge, pinning tweezers, and a molded pinning block.
The kit covers the needs of locksmith schools, training classes or seminars and those starting out in the industry. Tools are stored in a deep pocket under the pinning block.
- .003" Increment Universal Color-Coded Pinning Kit
with 81 of the most common Pin Sizes and Springs - Molded Pinning block
- Formed End Tweezers
- Key Gauge
- Plug Follower
- Polyethylene Case
- Large tool storage pocket below Pinning Block