The National Locksmith Guide to Tubular Lock Service Book
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This is a complete study guide to service and making keys for tubular lock cylinders. The text covers picking, disassembly, decoding, destructive bypass and non-destructive bypass and advanced key making. The text addresses the 137 key, using 7-pin and 8-pin configurations. Chicago UL cylinders are also covered. All common lock functions are addressed in great detail. Text covers key-changeable tubular cylinders by Fort and Ace.
There are 256 photos, tables and detailed illustrations that lead the locksmith to a complete understanding of the tubular lock.
There are 256 photos, tables and detailed illustrations that lead the locksmith to a complete understanding of the tubular lock.
5 1/2 x 8 1/2 perfect bound, 208 pages
Please Note: How-to and Reference Books are not returnable.