A problem that locksmiths occasionally run into is caused by a sagging or bent door hinge. This can cause the door to not close properly or the bolt to not align with the strike. This has nothing to do with the lock mechanism, but with the hinges. Homeowners, businesses and institutions automatically think locksmith when the door won't latch or if it hits the frame. Luckily, there is a simple solution out there. GKL Company invented the Hinge Doctor series of tools to fix the problem. This tool is designed to adjust new, worn, or improperly adjusted hinges that cause the door to sag or drag.
To fix the door, slip the tool over the TOP door hinge and open the door. This action causes the door hinge to bind while the tool is in place. Open the door only 3 to 4 inches past the point where it binds against the tool then remove the tool from the hinge, check the door and repeat if necessary. It's usually only necessary to adjust the top hinge, however if after you've adjusted the top hinge and there is still a large gap between the door and the frame (above the top hinge) then adjust the center hinge as well.
NEVER adjust the bottom hinge unless the leading edge of the door hits the bottom portion of the door jamb. Hinges that have been adjusted too much will be hard to close. If this happens place a 1/8" Allen wrench right behind the knuckles and between the 2 plates of the hinge and then push your door closed. This will reverse the first adjustment. Adjust the door again as necessary with the hinge adjuster tool.